“Why are there books and different crops directly behind Thomas Jefferson’s statue?” asked our guide to the rest of us.

“Anybody? Bueller?” The adults laughed, but not all the class got the reference.

“The answer is Jefferson’s love of books and experimentation with agriculture. Who do you think donated his books to start the Library of Congress? And Jefferson learned from others how to properly maximize his yield for his land.” 


The memorial itself was completed in 1943, but the original statue of Jefferson was made of plaster due to a shortage of metal during the war. The current statue was installed in 1947.


The image of the interior of the Memorial was suddenly interrupted by the following clue:


There are 4 quotes within the Jefferson Memorial. The quotes deal with education, independence, laws and government, and religious freedom.


Click on the link to see the quotes on a separate tab or to print LINK#1(opens in a new tab).
You must figure out which letters of the alphabet are referenced in the table below. This means figuring out which speeches are located in the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest sections of the memorial.

Use the button below to view the interior of the memorial. Your helpful hint is that Thomas Jefferson as he faces forward is looking toward the North.
Once you figure out which speech is located where, find the letters based on the color scheme and number. For example, NW Yellow 7 means find the Northwest speech and find the 7th letter in yellow.
Once you find all 10 letters, unscramble them to complete the name of an important part of Jefferson’s life and enter the answer in lowercase.

When you are viewing the interior, if Thomas Jefferson is looking North, everything to his right is East, and everything to his left is West. Therefore, the speech to his right in front of him is Northeast, the speech to his right behind him is Southeast, and so on.

If Hint 1 didn’t help you, then to help you along a little bit, then Northeast speech is the speech on education.