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Preparing For Your Tour
A lot goes into planning an academic school trip, especially if you’re working with large group numbers. That’s why here at Academic Expeditions, we’ve compiled a list of useful resources to help trip coordinators, teachers, parents, and students prepare for the experience. An Academic Expeditions program is a unique opportunity, and one you likely won’t forget for years to come. With the following tools, you can rest easy knowing that you’re making the most of your field trip.
Meet Our Educational Leaders
Our diverse team understands the transformative power of travel, especially as a complementary educational tool. By experiencing history and culture first hand, we breathe life into the lessons learned in the classroom. That’s why our leaders are all current or experienced educators who are passionate about making learning relevant and personal. The best educational experiences are fun, engaging, and interactive — the very principles we construct our curriculum-based programs around.
As our destinations and the make-up of our travelers have diversified, we have partnered with Discovery Expeditions to better customize expeditions beyond the scope of our traditional US History destinations for student groups. Here are some examples of the types of expeditions available: International and Cultural Exposure for Students, Humanitarian and Non-Profit Expeditions, Academic Credit and Professional Development for Teachers, Family and Adult Custom Expeditions.