“That’s a lot of gold stars”, someone remarked as we set foot into the memorial for those known as the Greatest Generation. The World War II Memorial honors those who served during that conflict. The fifty six columns represent the states and territories (organized in the order that they joined the Union), while the two large pavilions represent the two theaters of battle. The twenty four bronze plaques depicted scenes on the battle front, and scenes on the home front. It was one of the fastest memorials completed from inception to completion, primarily as a race against time since surviving veterans from that conflict were passing away at the rate of about several hundred per day. When finally dedicated on Memorial Day, 2004, over one million veterans and their families attended. As of September 2020, only about 320,000 of the 16 million veterans were still alive.
It seems that another one of your images became an aerial image with questions.
To clarify the 4 questions, here are some clues:
1) For question 1, please look at video 1. The state in question from the starting point (if looking at the Lincoln Memorial) is the 8th column to the right, with the 1st column being the state of Pennsylvania.
2) For question 2, please look at video 2. The state in question from the starting point (if looking at the Lincoln Memorial) is the 7th column to the left, with the 1st column being the state of Delaware. (Note that you may not even need to play the video as the image before the video starts shows the state!)
3) For question 3, please look at video 3. To assist, you are adding up the number of individuals you see in the 1st, 5th and 10th panels.
4) For question 4, please look at video 4. You are looking for the initials of the person who made the quote. (Note that you may not even need to play the video as the image before the video starts already shows the quote!).
For your convenience, there are also 2 buttons below that allow you to view the statehood dates and the state abbreviations.
We highly suggest that you pause the videos when you get to what you need!
Click on the link to see the clues on a separate tab or to print LINK#1(opens in a new tab).
Your answer should be entered as abbreviation of state 1, followed by abbreviation of state 2, number of total individuals in the 3 panels, and the initials of the person who gave the quote, all combined together with no spaces in between.
For example, if the 1st state was Alaska, the 2nd state was Hawaii, the total number of individuals was 35, and the person who gave the quote was Winston Churchill, the answer would be:
With ak being Alaska’s abbreviation, hi being Hawaii’s abbreviation, 35, and wc being the initials of Winston Churchill.
For questions 1 and 2, you can solve which states you want by looking at the statehood dates and realizing that the odd numbered states joining the Union go to the left if you were looking at the Lincoln Memorial, and the even numbered states joining the Union go the right. For example, Delaware is 1 (left), Pennsylvania is 2 (right), New Jersey is 3 (left) etc.
For question 3, the number of individuals in the 1st panel is 9, and the 5th panel is 8. You can count yourself for the 10th panel.
For question 4, the event was D-Day, so who was the Allied Commander?